Optimal Health Strategies, LLC

Personalized Healthy Lifestyle Coaching

We should treat food as medicine and our bodies as important vessels of life to be protected from food producers drive for profit. Grocery stores are filled with things that ruin our good health. What are the health effects of GMOs?  More retailers are carrying organic and natural foods (the way all our food used to be). A healthy diet doesn't have to be bland or boring. Actually, it can be much more exciting and delicious and not difficult to prepare. It truly doesn't have to be expensive either if you know what you are doing. We are here to help you with long term solutions. Take advantage of our industry experience!  We'll help you develop an inside edge to stay on track by prioritizing purchases, avoiding hype, and help you save precious time and money. We can help you choose the most nutritious foods, the most effective supplements and best quality health products. All with gentle fitness suggestions and easy tips for success along the way!

 A Few Services We Offer

​​​​Programs for Individuals

We're all different.  What we read in magazines or advice seen on TV is not optimized for us as individuals and can be general and even misleading. Using evidence based protocols, expert experience and the best research data, we will examine your every option. We look at what is useful and practical for you as an individual and personalize a plan for your specific needs and goals. You can then review these suggestions with your doctor or primary care provider increasing the success of your self care program.

​​​​​Group Events 

If you would like to book a health

​talk or educational event for your

workplace or group meeting

just let us know. We can design a

talk or workshop based on a topic

you would like us to address or 

choose from any number of 

our programs that have already

have helped many workplace

coordinators reduce​ absence and

health care costs due to common

illness and stress that can be

avoided through better self care.